News & Case Studies

Appointment Of Chief Executive Officer

Fire Safe Australia and New Zealand is pleased to announce the appointment of our current and highly experienced General Manager Luke Macdougall as the new Chief Executive Officer.

Paul Cunningham Fire Safe ANZ’s Managing Director, after a short break, will be taking up the Fire Safety Assessor and Design functions for the business and will also be expanding our services into this growing area of our Industry.

Luke started in the Fire Protection Industry in 2006 and made the decision to join Fire Safe ANZ in January 2018, as General Manager. Upon starting with Fire Safe ANZ, Luke was enrolled into a 12-month coaching/mentoring program, which helped to define and develop his values, vision, leadership, communication skills and most importantly, described in his own words – how to become a better manager.

With 15+ years’ experience in the fire protection industry and has become an FPAA fire safety assessor in 2020, Luke has achieved significant personal success within the industry.  As an influential and decisive leader, he has achieved broad and influential relationships with employees, customers, and industry Colleagues alike.

Fire Safe ANZ is delighted to have attracted someone as talented as Luke to be part of the team.  In his new position, we firmly believe, he will continue the drive and professionalism that he has committed to the company so far.

A word from Paul Cunningham, Managing Director:

“A big congratulations to Luke on his new position as the leader of Fire Safe ANZ.  Luke’s passion and drive as the businesses GM over the last 4 years has seen the business succeed despite all the pressures of the external operating conditions.  Luke brings over 15+ years of industry experience to the Role of CEO and I’m sure his tenure will be nothing but a success”.

A word from Luke Macdougall, incoming Chief Executive Officer:

“I would like to thank Paul for giving myself this opportunity. We have amazing staff here at Fire Safe ANZ that are dedicated to fire safety. I have the utmost faith in them all that we can continue to improve & promote fire safety to all our customers & properties”.

From all the team at Fire Safe ANZ – Congratulations Luke!

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