Fire Safe ANZ

Evacuation & Training

In the event of a fire emergency, emergency management procedures are vital to extinguishing the fire before it spreads, setting off relevant alarms and guiding building occupants safely and orderly out of the building.
Even if you believe that a fire is a highly unlikely emergency in your business because you don’t deal with any highly flammable substances or situations, think again!

When a fire occurs, you want your business and staff to be prepared with emergency procedure plans, evacuation diagrams and training.

At Fire Safe ANZ, we will work with you to develop a customized emergency management procedure to suit your budget and specific business needs. You can rest assured that all evacuation and training provided by Fire Safe ANZ is complaint with the Australian Standard AS 3745:2010 – Planning for Emergencies in Facilities.

Our Fire Training Services

Emergency Response Online Management Tool
Emergency Training
Emergency Evacuation Diagrams
Emergency Procedure Plans

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