News & Case Studies

Helping to Extinguish Homelessness

The Vinnies CEO Sleepout is a one-night event over one of the longest and coldest nights of the year.

Hundreds of CEOs, business owners as well as community and government leaders sleep outdoors to support the many Australians who are experiencing homelessness. Each CEO Sleepout participant commits to raising thousands of dollars to help Vinnies provide essential services to the people who need them.

This year our Managing Director, Paul Cunningham enlisted in the cause and set the goal of $5,000 to be raised. Together with The Fire Safe Group’s marketing manager Phoebe Barry they went to work – speaking to colleagues, clients, friends and suppliers.

We are proud to say that our final total exceeded the target with an eventual figure of $6,588! Our thanks go out to all who donated.

We would also like to highlight our corporate suppliers who helped out with some very generous pledges.

As for Paul – he is reporting a great night’s sleep despite the cool conditions and a slightly sore back due to the concrete.

Thank you again.

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people-sleeping-under-boxes CEO-Paul-Cunningham-CEO-Sleepout

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