Fire Protection

Testing and Tagging

Testing of electrical equipment and Residual Current Devices(RCDs) is necessary for the safety of all persons using electrical equipment. It is a requirement for all employers to comply with their duty of care obligations under the various Work Health & Safety Laws, Regulations and Codes of Practice.

For the safety of persons using electrical equipment, routine inspection and electrical testing services is needed to detect damage, wear and tear or other conditions which might render unsafe use. Testing for trip times and correct function is also required for RCD’s.

Fire Safe ANZ carries out all electrical tagging services and tests in compliance with AS/NZS 3760:2010.

Faults that can occur when electronics are not tested include but are not limited to:

  • Frayed leads and exposed electrical conductors; This includes any leads that have wires exposed.
  • Resistance faults (shorts); This fault happens when the electrical current is higher than the normal load that it should be.
  • “Daisy Chained” power boards or double adaptors burning out; This frequently occurs when one power board is plugged into another to be able to expose more appliances to the one circuit. This will overload the circuit and board as each individual one only able to process a certain amount of electricity through them at a time.
  • Failed “Push Button” or “Trip Time” tests.

Testing frequency: 6 monthly & annually

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