News & Case Studies

The Cardiac Challenge: Cycling Cairns to Cooktown – Sept 17-19, 2022

This year, a dear friend and colleague of Fire Safe ANZ, Anne Massy, will be tackling the challenge and experiencing the varying terrain of the Far North Queensland. The team at Fire Safe ANZ are proud to be supporting Anne and to be donating much needed funds to such a great cause.

Every year, hundreds of cyclists from around Australia and overseas are drawn to the city of Cairns in tropical Far North Queensland, to saddle up for the Cardiac Challenge.

Pete McNally the man who sparked this event, was born with congenital heart problems and requires ongoing cardiac care to this day. Being a cycling enthusiast, McNally persuaded the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation that a fundraising bike ride would be a great way to raise money to improve cardiac care services in the Far North. Whilst also, encouraging people to get into cycling.

The Cardiac Challenge was launched in 2007 by the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation, which has raised more than $4 million for cardiac services for that area. The three-day, 333km ride attracts people from all walks of life: teenagers, new mums, retirees, cabinet makers, accountants, doctors, nurses, dentists, farmers, pharmacists, pilots, school principals, lawyers, bus drivers, police and builders.

The fundraising bike ride from Cairns to Cooktown continues to gain momentum; with 2020’s riders raising an average of an incredible $1800 per person.

Statistics show that heart disease in Australia…

  • Causes 1 in 4 deaths
  • Kills 118 people every day or one person every 12 minutes
  • Kills around 40% more males than females
  • Someone is hospitalised for cardiovascular disease every minute

Furthermore, approximately $5billion is spent on providing health care services to admitted patients – accounting for 11.1% of total admitted.

Every cent counts, with all funds going towards the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation.

From all the team at Fire Safe ANZ – Goodluck Anne!

If you would like to show your support, please donate to the link here.

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